Medición y cuantificación de la Cooperación Sur-Sur

At APC-Colombia we understand South-South Cooperation (SSC) as exchanges of best practices and knowledge between two or more partners (from any sector) from countries of the Global South. In recent years we have made specific efforts to professionalize the SSC received and provided by the country. We are seeking a more rigorous cooperation that prioritizes projects over specific activities, that aims at horizons of one or two years to have greater impact and that’s guided by better planning, coordination and project assessment tools.

Within the Knowledge Management Hub on South-South Cooperation, designed by APCColombia to promote a more visible and rigorous cooperation with partners from the Global South, we are creating a Community of Practice on Measurement and Quantification of SSC, which allows us to discuss how our work is quantified/measured/assessed/valuated, based on practices
developed in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Biblioteca de la comunidad de práctica

Modificado el Mié, 13/07/2022 - 12:21