1186 The Critical Role of the Judiciary in Combating Human Trafficking

 APC Colombia invites officials working at government and allied organizations at the national and regional levels to qualify their technical skills and benefit from the technical cooperation offered by partner governments, through trainning courses. 

The main purpose of the trainning courses is to share experiences and knowledge of successful development models in other countries to implement them in Colombia. This trainning course is offered by the Government of Israel and will be held  at the Mashav Carmel Training Center from October 14 to the 18, 2018. 


Area temática

Buen Gobierno y Justicia

Dirigido a

The seminar targets supreme court judges, active criminal judges, administrative and civil law judges and judges who lead judicial training activities within their own jurisdiction (such as national judicial training institutes), with a view to a broader dissemination of knowledge and tools in the long term. Judges are required to have a professional background and experience in hearing criminal cases, and in particular, any experience hearing cases of trafficking in human beings.


The seminar aims to provide participants belonging to the Judiciary, with the opportunity to exchange their experiences, challenges and ideas through interactive discussions, formal and informal meetings. Emphasis will be given to peer learning, using a ‘hands-on  practical approach. Participants will share best practices, programs and relevant methodologies. The seminar methodology will consist of lectures, panel discussions, case studies analysis and a mock trial. In addition, professional visits to the International Organization for Judicial Training, Israeli Supreme Court and Israel Parliament will be included.

Cómo aplicar


1. Carefully read all the attached files.

2. Send the filled form and attach the required documents via email to dcm-sec@bogota.mfa.gov.il.

3. If you applied to this trainning course, please send the following information to angelaberdugo@apccolombia.gov.co:

Full name:
Birth date:
Educational level:
Cell Phone:


Expenses: Medical insurance, hotel, transportation and food will be covered by the offering Government.

Airfares and additional expenses must be covered by the participant institution . 


Página Web

For the regional representation offices of National Institutions: before applying for any Seminar, please contact the focal point in charge of cooperation and international relations issues to receive information about the application requirements and procedure.

It is the applicant's responsibility to carefully read the published information and submit documents that fulfill all the requirements. Incomplete, illegible or late applications will be discard (The applicantions will be accepted until noon (12:00) of the deadline. 

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Modificado el Jue, 11/06/2020 - 12:47