1180 Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

 APC Colombia invites officials working at government organizations at the national and regional levels to qualify their technical skills and benefit from the technical cooperation offered by partner governments, through trainning courses. 

The main purpose of the trainning courses is to share experiences and knowledge of successful development models in other countries to implement them in Colombia. This trainning course is offered by the Government of Korea and will be held  at the Institute of Justice of Korea from August 30 to September 19, 2018. 

Area temática


Dirigido a


a) Be nominated by his/her government;
b) Be in good health both physically and mentally, enough to take the course
c) Have not participated in the same KOICA fellowship program for the past 3 years-unless otherwise specified
d) Be an official or a professor working in the government or government related training center, and have at least 5 years of work experience in the investigation, prosecution, or administration
e) Be able to understand and speak English (high level), and have a willingness to show a high level of participation and commitment throughout the course and contribute to the capacity building of his/her organization after the completion of the program
f) Be able to speak English very well for communication and lectures

a) High-level officers who deal with investigation, prosecution, correctional service, or criminal justice administration 


a) To understand forensic science, cybercrime, and criminal policies of Korea
b) To seek appropriate steps to resolve problems and set up a more effective crime prevention policies through the understanding of Korea’s criminal justice system.
c) To set up concrete applicable plans that meet local situation.
d) To find countermeasures to cooperate in the field of international or borderless crimes.

Cómo aplicar

1. Application form: Must include all the requiered signatures and the candidate's picture. 

Number IV - Part II: Signed and filled by the direct boss/superior
2. Medical Report (Part 3): Filled, signed and stamped by the Doctor.
3. Scanned passport 
4. Scanned American visa. (Preferable but not mandatory)


1. Read carefully all the attached documents. 
2. Send via email the application form and all the requiered documents to APC- Colombia: angelaberdugo@apccolombia.gov.co.
3. Send a hard copy of all the application documents to Angela Berdugo at APC-Colombia: Carrera 10 97A-13 Piso 6 Torre A, Bogotá D.C.


Costos cubiertos por la Beca: tiquetes aéreos (saliendo desde Bogotá y retornando a la misma ciudad), seguro médico, hospedaje, traslados y alimentación.

Costos a cargo del becario seleccionado: otros gastos adicionales no estipulados.

Página Web

Para las oficinas de representaciones regionales de Entidades del Orden Nacional, solicitamos que antes de postularse a cualquier curso se comuniquen con el punto focal de la Dirección Nacional a cargo de los asuntos de cooperación y relaciones internacionales y consulten con ellos lo relativo a requisitos y procedimiento de postulación.

Es responsabilidad de los postulantes leer atentamente la convocatoria con todos sus requisitos, procedimientos de postulación y documentos en línea; así como presentar su candidatura cumpliendo con las exigencias profesionales especificadas en cada oferta.

No se cursará  postulación incompleta, ilegible o fuera de plazo.

El cooperante comunicará el resultado de su decisión directamente a los seleccionados.

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Modificado el Jue, 11/06/2020 - 12:47