APC Colombia invites officials working at government organizations at the national and regional levels to qualify their technical skills and benefit from the technical cooperation offered by partner governments, through trainning courses. 

The main purpose of the trainning courses is to share experiences and knowledge of successful development models in other countries to implement them in Colombia. This trainning course is offered by the Government of Singapore and will be held from July 16 to the 27th, 2018. 

Area temática


Dirigido a
  • Principals, educators, and senior level officials from education ministries and related government institutions and agencies
  • Holders of a degree or equivalent qualifications
  • Nominated by their respective Governments
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • In good health.

The Leaders in Education Programme (LEP) is one of NIE’s flagship programmes. It provides participants with the essential knowledge, skills and values of school leadership in the 21st century and seeks to empower educators with cutting-edge knowledge in the journey of innovation and change in schools. The
LEP aims to:
· Prepare and develop school leaders using innovative approaches that address the broader roles and responsibilities of leaders and the purposes of schooling.
· Produce leaders who work to build student-centered schools with the capacity for high performance and continuous improvement towards that end.
· Encourage leaders to take a system-wide, “big picture” perspective, so that school programmes are aligned with the larger goals of national development.
· Address the challenges in managing people fromdifferent education settings in the context of a globalized world.
· Develop leaders who work with the strengths of their organisations, find new ways of doing things, and achieve breakthroughs in the delivery of knowledge.

Cómo aplicar

All nominations are to be submitted online.
Application Forms available at: https://start.wizvision.com/startpublic/.
Please contact start-support@wizvision.com if you encounter technical issues during application.
· All application forms should be completed in full and submitted online. They must also be endorsed by the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Focal Point for Technical Assistance.
· Draft application forms or forms which are not endorsed will not be considered.
· Applicants should refrain from making telephone and email inquiries on the status of their applications.
· The system is hosted by a third party service provider. Please avoid providing input with sensitive or confidential information that should not be disclosed or made available online.
· The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore will inform all applicants of the outcome of their applications. The National Focal Point will also be informed directly or through Singapore’s diplomatic representations in the nominating country.
· Flight arrangements are to be made only upon receipt of the Letter of Acceptance to the course.

Once you applied to this trainning course, please send the following information to angelaberdugo@apccolombia.gov.co:

Full name:
Birth date:
Educational level:
Cell Phone:


Expenses: Medical insurance, hotel, transportation and food will be cover by the offering Government.

Roundtrip from and to the country of origin and additional expenses must be covered by the participant institution . 

Página Web

For the regional representation offices of National Institutions: before applying for any Seminar, please contact the focal point in charge of cooperation and international relations issues to receive information about the application requirements and procedure.

It is the applicant's responsibility to carefully read the published information and submit documents that fulfill all the requirements. Incomplete, illegible or late applications will be discard.

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Modificado el Jue, 11/06/2020 - 12:47